
When any change in the transaction’s status occurs, we will make a POST request to notify them of the change.

    "transaction_id": "1e7ce9c5-75b1-40c2-949a-bb221aafe70d",
    "status": "FINISHED",
    "reference": "your-internal-referecence"
  "reference": "your-internal-referecence",
  "transaction_id": "1e7ce9c5-75b1-40c2-949a-bb221aafe70d",
  "status": "CANCELED",
  "cancellation_reason": {
    "error": "divergent.cpf_cnpj",
    "msg": "The CPF/CNPJ provided must be the same document as the payer. Expected document: ***.718.724-**, Payer document: ***.564.800-**. The funds will be returned automatically within a few moments."
  "reference": "your-internal-referecence",
  "transaction_id": "1e7ce9c5-75b1-40c2-949a-bb221aafe70d",
  "status": "CANCELED",
  "cancellation_reason": {
    "error": "refused.customer.kyc",
    "msg": "The customer was declined in the compliance process. It will not be possible to complete the payment. The funds will be returned automatically within a few moments."
    "transaction_id": "1e7ce9c5-75b1-40c2-949a-bb221aafe70d",
    "status": "REVERTED",
    "reference": "your-internal-referecence"

transaction_id: Our internal reference to the transaction.
status: The actual order's status.
reference: Your reference informed in transaction creation.
cancellation_reason: Details related to canceling the order, when the status is CANCELED.

Possible statuses

StatusDescriptionFinal status (Irreversible)Note
PENDINGWhen the transaction is registered, it has the status PENDING, but the webhook will not be called.False
CANCELEDThe transaction will be canceled when the deposit is refused or expires.True
FINISHEDWhen the transaction is successfully paid, the webhook is called.False(The merchant can revert this transaction)
EXPIREDThe transaction will be expired when the transaction deadline expires.True
REVERTEDThis transaction has been reverted by the merchant and the customer has received the funds in your accountTrue

Cancellation scenarios

Some error scenarios need to be considered when handling the webhook. Below is a breakdown of possible error cases.

It is possible to check the payload that will be received for each case, via webhook.

Reason"error" field"msg" field
The customer has paid using a bank account with divergent ownership (that was provided)divergent.cpf_cnpjThe CPF/CNPJ provided must be the same document as the payer. Expected document: {{ expected_document }}, Payer document: {{ payer_document }}. The funds will be returned automatically within a few moments.
The customer was refused on the KYC / Compliance processrefused.customer.kycThe customer was declined in the compliance process. It will not be possible to complete the payment. The funds will be returned automatically within a few moments.